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Poem of the month

Dead end - louise Glück

I said, "Listen, angel, wean me from this bit." 
I said, "Divorce me from this crap, this steady diet
Of abuse with cereal, abuse
With vodka and tomato juice,
Your planted billets doux among the bric-a-brac."
Staying was my way of hitting back.
I tended his anemia and did the dishes
Four months—the whole vicious,
Standard cohabitation. But my dear, my dear,
If now I dream about your hands, your hair,
It is the vividness of that dead end
I miss. Like chess. Mind against mind.

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Digging out the flesh


This is a space for every misshapen thought i've ever had. I wanted to create a place where i can put everything that is inside of me, keep it safe and alive. Too long have i let it all decay between my ribs, it deserves somewhere to be. If you like what i write please let me know, i wont bite.


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Monthly Favourites


  • David lynch

  • Fog so thick you can barely see

  • Fig and vanilla tea

  • Bell Hooks "all about love: new visions"

  • Ink wells

  • Natural born losers

flesh of fig

Do you want to join the flesh?

Send me questions or your poetry or writings.

I will get back to you or publish your pieces!

cant wait to hear from you :)

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